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January 2025 Side Hustle Report – $1,087.20

January has come and gone, so in this post, we’ll take a look at what I earned from side hustling and gig economy apps in January 2025. Here’s what I was able to make last month.

Side Hustle Income for January 2025

Total Side Hustle Income for January 2025 = $1,087.20

January was an unexpectedly strong side hustle month, mainly because Rover did so well for me in January. My side hustle income wasn’t very diversified though, with the vast majority of it coming from Rover, and a small amount coming from just four other sources. This is very different from prior months where things are split up more evenly and where I often have income coming from from ten or more different sources.

Here’s what my side hustle income looks like when put into a pie chart.

Rover made up a staggering 86% of my side hustle income for the month, with the other side hustles making up just a small slice of my side hustle income. Most of this is because of the weather. January is typically a slow month for me for food delivery because I don’t enjoy biking around in the cold. 

In the remainder of this post, we’ll go into more detail about my side hustle income in January.


Rental Income: $2,400

January had one stressful incident with the rental property. As a quick reminder, I manage one rental property, which was our former primary residence before we moved. It’s in a college neighborhood, so it’s currently rented out to four college students.

Anyway, one of my tenants gave me a call one evening letting me know that the heat wasn’t working. To make matters worse, it was very cold outside (January in Minnesota, so you can expect it to be really cold), and they didn’t know that the heat wasn’t working until they got back that evening. Since it was late in the day, I wasn’t able to find anyone who could come to the house right away, but I did get one reputable company scheduled to come first thing in the morning. Still, since it was so cold, the concern was that the pipes might freeze and cause even more trouble for me.

Fortunately, while the temperature in the house did drop a lot, it stayed around 40 degrees and I returned the next morning to find that nothing had frozen. The repair guy was also able to fix the boiler easily (it turned out the ignitor had failed, so he just had to replace the ignitor). I also got lucky that it was winter break, so most of my tenants were home for the holidays, and the one tenant that was around had family in the area and was able to stay with them for the night. 

Having the heat go out like that is one of my big nightmares, especially because the boiler is old and I’m always a bit concerned about what I’m supposed to do if it goes out in the middle of the winter. In the past, I have preemptively replaced some large items (I did a roof replacement with insurance last year and preemptively replaced a water heater a few years ago), but I’d like to avoid replacing the boiler if I can. For now, I’ll continue to have it tuned up each fall and hope I can catch any problems before they arise.


Rover Income: $935.85  

Most of my Rover income in January is a carryover from stays I had during the Christmas holiday in December. The big payout came from a three-week stay that started in December and went into the first week of January. This was a new client, but the pup was so well-behaved that it was essentially no additional work for me to watch this pup.

The remainder of the pups I watched were regular clients. I’m in a good spot where the majority of the pups I watch are repeat clients, so it’s easy work for me. That being said, I think I need to update my profile and try to get some new clients in the rotation.


DoorDash/Uber Eats/Grubhub Income: $54.95 

Here’s a look at what I made with each delivery app in January 2025.

I didn’t do a lot of food deliveries in January because of the weather. Since I do all my deliveries on my bike, the weather does play a factor in how motivated I am to get out there. Even though I bike year-round, doing deliveries when it’s single digits or snowy isn’t the most fun.

Some of the deliveries I did in January were also done while I was in DC visiting my parents. The nice thing about DoorDash and Uber Eats is that you can generally do deliveries in any city they operate in. I keep an electric scooter and an ebike at my parent’s house, so while I was visiting them, I did a few deliveries in the neighborhood using the scooter and ebike.

One issue I have coming up is that my license expired and while I did renew it, it seems like it could take months before my new one arrives. Grubhub requires a valid driver’s license but doesn’t accept my temporary paper license, so I’m locked out of Grubhub until my new license arrives. DoorDash and Uber Eats are also telling me I need to update my license to a non-expired one, so it’s possible I get locked out of my accounts if my new license doesn’t arrive soon.


Google Opinion Rewards/1Q/Facebook Viewpoints Income: $5.40 

Here’s what I made with each short survey app in January:

Not much to report here. Google Opinion Rewards is always good for a few bucks each month. And 1Q usually gets me a dollar or two each month. I’ll keep using these apps because they don’t take up much of my time or mental energy.


Secret Shopping Income: $88.50 (plus free food) 

I earned about my usual amount from Marketforce in January. The nice thing about secret shopping is you can do it anywhere, so I did several secret shops while I was in DC visiting my parents. 

Unfortunately, my secret shopping income is going to drop dramatically going forward because Marketforce terminated me seemingly randomly. I did send an email asking why I was terminated but only received a generic response saying my independent contractor agreement was terminated as permitted by the contract. This is now the second time I’ve been terminated by Marketforce – the first time I got terminated because I got in a fight with them about an assignment they rejected.

I still have other secret shopping websites that I use, so I’ll still get plenty of free food this month. It just won’t be as plentiful as it was before.


ReceiptPal/Receipt Hog/Fetch/CoinOut/Amazon Shopper Panel Income: $2.50

Amazon Shopper Panel brought in $2.50 for the month. Amazon Shopper Panel isn’t the amazing app it once was, but it should still make me a few bucks each month. 


And that concludes the January 2025 Side Hustle Report!   

January was a boring month for me from a side hustle perspective. I’m very happy that I was able to crack the $1,000 mark, but not so happy at how poorly diversified my income was for the month. As the weather warms up though, the food delivery income should improve. 

Anyway, that’s a quick look at my side hustle income for January 2025. I hit my goal of $10,000 of side hustle income last year, so hopefully we’ll be able to keep it up this year. However, with the secret shopping income dropping, it’s possible I might not be able to hit that mark unless I get the food delivery income up. We’ll see what happens.



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