[A good reminder this week from Derek Sivers 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!]
Not a new idea, but just another visualization and reminder.
Wealth, feeling like you have plenty, is an equation.
Wealth = Have ÷ Want
If you have nothing, then focus on having some.
Once you have some, the easiest way to increase your wealth is to decrease your needs.
- Have 10 but want 100? You are poor.
- Have 10 but only want 5? You are wealthy.
- Have 10 but are happy with 1? You are very wealthy.
Making money depends on other people, so it’s harder. It’s not entirely under your control. It’s an outer game.
Reducing what you “need” to be happy is easier. It’s entirely under your control. It’s an inner game.
I used to look for ways to make money, but I haven’t done that in years. Now I keep looking for ways to want less.
Derek is one of my favorite thinkers and just came out with a new book full of short passages like this: Useful Not True. He’s one of the only authors whose books I actually KEEP after reading!
*Image above courtesy of AI… I uploaded my pic and asked it to show me “doing yoga in the clouds” lol…
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