If you’re looking to make 2000 dollars fast, you’ve come to the right spot. We have pulled together 30 different reasonable and perfectly legal(ish) ways that you can put together 2000 dollars as quickly as possible.
Not all of these ways will enable you to make 2000 dollars on their own, so try and combine a few of these ideas and you’ll be able to come up with the money you’re looking for in no time. With that said, let’s proceed and see how you can make 2000 dollars fast.
Sell Unwanted Items on Facebook Marketplace
Have anything around the house you haven’t used in awhile? This is one of the easiest ways to make a quick buck.
Facebook Marketplace has become a haven for people wanting to purchase used items. Use the large marketplace to quickly sell off anything you might not need or haven’t used for a year or two. Most likely you’ll have enough merchandise that you’ll be able to get close pretty hefty sum.
The team at Facebook has their own guide to selling on their platform. Take a look at it here and have them walk you through the selling process.
Make Firewood
Who said money doesn’t grow on trees? If you have the proper equipment, which can range from a simple hand ax to a chainsaw, you can turn those trees in your backyard into some cold hard cash.

After you cut the wood and sort them into bundles, you’ll have to set up a stand with compartments to hold the bundles. You can set up a stand in your front yard with a bin for your neighbors and whoever passes buy to leave money.
Given that bundles of wood go for about $7 apiece, you’ll have to sell quite a few of these to come up with $2000. Though in the peak of winter, you could make an extra $2000 in as little as a month.
Do Yard Work for Neighbors
This brings me back to my high school days trying to hustle for some extra cash. Though this may seem like an errand that neighbors have the local kids perform, there is some serious cash in landscaping.
If you live in a high cost of living area, you can make up to $50 an hour mowing lawns, cutting hedges, and general yard work. That can have you with $2000 in about a week of full-time work.
Another potential moneymaker is big projects. Look for fallen trees or houses that have some serious landscaping issues. You can charge a higher lump sum for the full project, which may only take you a few days to complete.
Sign up for Fiverr
Fiverr is a platform that matches freelancers with companies or individuals that are seeking talent. The platform specializes in digital and online-based freelancers. Freelancers who have a knack for web or computer programming, digital marketing, and graphic design.
Though the site hosts many more possibilities too, other categories include supply chain management consulting, finance consulting, and content writing for blogs or websites. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Odds are that a skill you have can make you money on Fiverr.
What’s to lose? With freelancers on the platform charging up to $10,000 per job, you’re bound to make 2000 dollars fast.
Uptrade on Craigslist
If you know how to spot an opportunity, uptrading may be easier than it actually sounds. There are plenty of hidden gems on sites like Craigslist, where many sellers are strapped for cash and offer discounts on valuable goods in exchange for cash. Use this to your advantage and see if you can spot undervalued merchandise.
Once you make a purchase, you can sell the same item on Craigslist for its actual value. I spotted an Old Towne Canoe that I was able to flip for a $400 profit within a few days.
Imagine what cash you could bring in if you dedicated a week or two to finding hidden gems on Craigslist?
Download A Few Money Making Apps
There is an app for everything these days, including making some money on the side. Our friends over at Your Money Geek made a list of 90 different apps that can pay you money. These apps vary from answering surveys, fitness to shopping apps all that will pay you as you use them.
Most of these won’t get you to $2000, but using a few of these apps with some other ideas will help you acquire that 2k mark you’re looking to hit.
Sell Snake Venom
Yes, you read that correctly, you can sell snake venom and there are actually people who will buy it. One gram of snake venom can sell for as much as $2000 per gram! Right in the price range of the amount we are looking to make.
That being said, this is no easy task. Not to mention extremely dangerous. Not only are there plenty of regulations around the topic, but it is very easy to get hurt extracting venom. If you are to do this, make sure to obtain the proper equipment needed and contact your state authority to understand any regulations that may be in place.
Drive With Lyft Or Uber
As we begin to crawl out of the Pandemic, people are becoming more comfortable going out and about. What better way to take advantage by driving people where they want to go?
Driving with Lyft or Uber enables you to not only have the flexibility to work when you want, but use your existing car to make money with no investment. This makes Lyft and Uber popular side-hustles or manageable full-time jobs.
If you live in an urban area, the demand for ride-sharing is likely high. Driving in these highly populated areas can enable you to quickly make money within days of starting.
Rent Out A Room…
Don’t mind a little extra company? With the explosive growth of Airbnb and VRBO, it is now easier than ever to use your home as a money-making machine. That is if you don’t mind another roommate.
Renting a room on these sites takes little effort. All you have to do is follow the instructions on one of the sites, and you should be good to go in no time! The rates you can charge will vary on the location of your home and the number of people who can stay there as well.
Or The Whole House
If you want to step-up your earnings even more, why not rent out the whole house? All you would need to do is invest in some camping gear, and take a trip into the woods for a weekend or two! You’ll have the whole house available to rent, and take a little time for yourself. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Return Lightly Used Items
As long as you keep your receipts, this can easily be a quick way to make a few bucks. If you need to make 2000 dollars fast, try returning any recently purchased appliances that may not be necessities. These include smaller items like coffee makers, toasters, blenders, or air fryers. They typically have higher values and are easy to return after a few uses.
You can use this method for other items such as lightly worn clothes or even books. If you have the receipt, and it doesn’t show much wear or tear, you will be able to make a few bucks for it.
Get Your Hands Dirty
The reason plumbers can charge the amount they do is not that the job is incredibly difficult, but more along the lines of no one wants to be deal with sewer lines.
There are likely a few projects that your neighbors have been putting off just because they don’t want to do them. Ask around to family, friends, or neighbors about home projects that they want to get done but haven’t gotten around to yet. These might be dirty jobs, but you’ll be able to charge a pretty penny for jobs that no one else wants to do.
Sell Your Clothes
Did you know numerous websites let you sell your clothes online? Though the returns most likely won’t be in the 4 digits, sending in any clothes that you may not have touched in years can help towards the $2k goal.

As we mentioned earlier, use these smaller income ideas in tandem to help make 2000 dollars fast. Some of these ideas are quick moneymakers and can rapidly add up. So go out there and clean out your closet and get on to the next idea!
Sell Bulk Items in Smaller Quantities
This is the only item on the list that may not be exactly legal. If you go to bulk box stores such as Costco or BJs, you’ll notice that you can gain a discount by buying in large quantities. You can use the same tactics that convenience stores do and buy in bulk and sell these consumer goods in individual units.
The only issue with doing this is that most companies have it clearly written on their labels that items are not for resale. Also, you likely don’t have permits needed to sell these goods. However, if you’re looking for a quick way to make a good amount of money without doing something very illegal, this is an easy way to do so. Especially in the summer heat and people are looking for cool drinks or snacks.
Sign Up for Thumbtack
Another freelancing app, Thumbtack is geared towards physical and in-person projects. Examples of this could be cleaning services, moving services, or even dog training. If none of your skillset matches-up with anything that can be found on Fiverr, there is bound to be something on Thumbtack.
You’ll be able to quote on jobs that someone requests in your area, so you can choose the kind of projects you’ll take on. This flexibility can weed out some of the smaller gigs, so you can focus on making a lot of money as quickly as you can make it.
Sell Ad Space, Wherever You Have It
It’s no secret that selling ads can be a very lucrative business. And if you have any doubts, check out Google’s last quarterly report to see for yourself.
Google and other big internet companies monetize the space they have online to make money with advertising. Use this same methodology to turn any particular kinds of space you have to make extra cash.
You can sell ad space on your car, house, or even on your own land. Get out there and put your salesman hat on to convince people that your space would be effective for their advertising needs.
Find And Recycle Scrap Metal
Scrap metal doesn’t pay the big bucks, but it will take you one step closer to your $2000 goal. The average price of scrap metal is approximately $10 per 100 lbs. So you’ll need quite a bit of it to make a significant amount of money.
If you happen to be someone that is hoarding one too many pieces of junk, this may be a great way to monetize on that. Selling scrap metal is an excellent way to make extra income if you have a car or farm equipment that is past its functioning life.
Participate In Farmer’s Markets
Are you the one in your neighborhood that is known for your world-famous pies or cookies? Turn that secret recipe into a money-maker by selling your baked goods or other family recipes at the local farmer’s market. Nut butter and jams are also popular items at farmer’s markets that can be easily be made at home.
Different states have different laws on the production and sale of cottage food, so check out the different state laws here before you get started.
Promote And Sell T-Shirts
If you’re creative and keep up with local news and the latest viral memes, you can monetize on these by creating, promoting, and selling t-shirts.
To do this, simply create a version of the meme or design that fits the current viral event, and then find a local or online printer that can print your shirts. Bulk white t-shirts by themselves are fairly inexpensive, and after printing your all-in cost will roughly be $6-7 dollars a shirt.
At a sale price of $20, you’ll be able to make a $13-$14 profit per shirt! Use your social media account to push sales or even set-up a stand in town. With the sale of 150 shirts to adding up to $2k, you’ll be able to make 2000 dollars fast.
Learn To Trade Stocks
Trading stocks is a very risky business. There are plenty of notable people who have lost their entire fortunes doing just this. That being said, desperate times bring desperate measures, and there are still quite a few folks who have made a considerable amount of money doing this as well.
To make profits in short-term trades, there is a method called technical analysis. This method looks to predict future price movements based on past price movements. It is a difficult craft to learn, but if you can master technical analysis, you will be able to make that 2000 dollars you’ve been looking for in no time.
Have a Yard Sale
Instead of taking the time to list on sights like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, make your front yard an open market! Take all of that junk that has been sitting around for years and finally do some spring cleaning.
You’ll be able to quickly set-up items in front of your house, and there is no investment to make a sale. Yet another way to make a few quick bucks.
Sell The Family Jewels
This should be a last resort. If you decide to go down this path, you’ll be having a mini-me running around in a few years.
Whether you’re a man or a woman, you’ll be able to get paid some significant coin to donate your sperm or eggs. You can actually make up to $50,000 per donation if you meet certain criteria that future parents are looking for. The mid-range per direct transaction is $5,000 – $10,000, which is still a pretty decent paycheck.
Though there is a bit of a screening process so don’t expect to make this amount immediately. The process may take about a month or two for the transaction to go through.
Donate Plasma
This won’t get you up to $2000, but you can seize a decent amount of money very quickly. You should be able to make $15-$20 per visit, which can add up to $300 / month with the given number of times you’re able to donate.
The donation time per trip is about an hour, so the income for your time is fairly high. Like the other small moneymakers, combine donating plasma with some of the other ideas to make money fast.
Get a Temp Job
If you’re looking for money fast, this is just the way to do it. Signing up with a temp agency dodges the application process with a full-time employer, and the agency finds work directly for you. This cuts out on time wasted on searching for a gig that you’re qualified for and that wants to hire you.
Getting a temp-job that pays $15 per hour will have you with two grand in a little over 3 weeks.
Become a Dog Walker
Love to walk? Love all things puppers and doggos? Turn your love for both of those into extra income. With the now popular apps Rover and Wag it’s easier than ever to make money walking dogs.

Depending on where you live, you can make up to $27 an hour walking other people’s furry friends. Now that is some serious cash. At that rate, you’ll be able to make two grand in as little as 10 working days. This makes us want to pick up my phone and download Rover!
Pick-Up an Extra Shift
This should be a no-brainer. The first place to look for extra cash if you have a full-time job is to ask for an extra shift or overtime. If your employer is understanding, you can even let them in on your need to make 2000 dollars fast. They may be more willing to fit you in for extra work quickly.
As a reminder, most overtime pays 1.5 times what your hourly pay is. So you’ll be pulling in additional income on top of what your typical salary is.
Open An Etsy Shop
Yet another way to make money online! If you’re a little crafty or have collected a large sum of someone else’s craftsmanship you’re the perfect candidate for opening a shop on Etsy.
Sell your hand-crafted goods online and see the money start to roll in. Don’t sell yourself short either. There are plenty of people that will pay good money for premium quality, hand-made goods. Price your items accordingly.
You don’t have to make your own goods to be an Etsy seller as well. If you have amassed some sort of collection, you can open a shop dedicated to selling that product. This goes for any old collectible that you might be partaking in. Odds are, there is someone out there who has similar tastes and is willing to pay to get their hands on your collection.
Lead a Work-Out Class
Turn your daily work-out into an income source. The next time you’re at your local gym, ask if they work with any guest instructors. Tell them about a particular work-out routine that you have mastered or your idea for a new boot-camp class.
In remote locations, in-person instructors can be hard to come by, so gyms may just take you up on your offer even if they typically don’t work with guest instructors. Other gyms use guest instructors frequently so don’t be scared to ask!
At a discount gym, instructors can make $26 an hour and at premium gyms, this can double. There is a large income opportunity with being a guest instructor.
Rent Out Your Car
With car-sharing apps HyreCar and Turo, you can now make money by renting out your car. The process is fairly simple. You go online and sign up for one of these apps and fill out the required information. Enter the desired pick-up location, and those interested in renting out your will pick up your ride there.

With either of these apps, you can make up to $2000 a month. This is a quick way to use your existing asset and have it generate extra income.
Or Just Sell It
If you really need a lot of money quickly, and you’re now working from home or live in an urban area, you might as well sell your car. Most used cars will go for at least that two thousand dollars you are looking for.
Selling your car can be done extremely quickly, all you need to do is go to your local dealer and ask for a quote, and the transaction can happen on the spot. If you would like to receive more for your money, you can try to utilize sites like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and sell directly to the new owner. This will take out any margin the dealer will make on selling your car.
Need More Ideas to Make 2000 Dollars Quickly?
The above list should of given everything you need to make 2000 dollars fast, but if you’re still looking for additional ideas take a look at these articles from our friends:
If you have any ideas of your own feel free to leave them in the comments!