Use this car loan calculator to estimate your monthly payment. Simply enter the car price, interest rate, and other details like trade-in value or down payment, and the calculator will show your estimated payment and total loan amount over your preferred term. It’s a quick and easy way to get a better idea of how much you’ll be paying each month.
Calculate Your Monthly Car Loan Payment
Based on your score, the average rate is 3.24% (new) or 4.08% (used).
Monthly payment
Total interest paid
Total amount paid
Month | Balance | Interest | Monthly |
How to Use a Car Loan Calculator Effectively
Using a car loan calculator is a great way to estimate your monthly payments and understand how much your loan will cost over time. To get the most accurate results, it helps to know what each field represents and how adjusting them can affect your overall loan.
Car Price
This is the total price of the car you’re looking to buy. If you haven’t settled on a specific vehicle yet, you can enter an approximate amount based on your budget or the type of car you’re considering. Be sure to include taxes and fees in your estimate if you want a more accurate result.
Interest Rate
The interest rate is the percentage charged by the lender for borrowing the money. If you don’t know your exact rate yet, you can use an average based on your credit score. Remember that the interest rate for a new car is usually lower than for a used car, so adjust accordingly.
Trade-In Value / Down Payment
If you’re trading in a vehicle or making a down payment, enter that amount here. This will reduce the total loan amount since you’re putting money upfront. The larger the down payment, the less you’ll need to borrow, which can lead to lower monthly payments and less interest paid over the life of the loan.
Loan Term
The loan term is the length of time you’ll take to repay the loan, usually in months (e.g., 36, 48, or 60 months). A shorter term means higher monthly payments, but less interest paid overall, while a longer term lowers the monthly payment but increases the total interest. Experiment with different terms in the calculator to see how it affects both your monthly payment and total loan cost.
Experiment with Different Scenarios
To get the most out of the calculator, try adjusting the car price, down payment, and loan term. For example, increasing your down payment or choosing a shorter loan term can save you money on interest, while lowering the car price can help make monthly payments more manageable. Playing around with these numbers will give you a better sense of what works best for your budget.
The calculator is a great starting point, but keep in mind that your actual loan offer might include other costs like taxes, fees, or insurance. Using the calculator effectively helps you plan ahead and get a better idea of what your car loan might look like.

How Loan Term Length Affects Your Payment
The length of your car loan, or loan term, has a direct impact on your monthly payment, the total interest paid, and the overall cost of the loan. When choosing between loan terms like 36, 48, 60, or 72 months, it’s important to understand how each option can affect your budget in both the short and long term.
Shorter Loan Terms
A shorter loan term, like 36 months, means higher monthly payments but lower interest paid over the life of the loan. This option is great if you want to pay off your car quickly and minimize the amount of interest you’ll pay. For example, a 36-month loan will typically have higher payments, but you’ll save on interest compared to a longer loan term.
- Example: On a $20,000 loan at 4.5% interest, a 36-month term could result in a monthly payment of around $593, with total interest paid of about $1,341.
Longer Loan Terms
A longer loan term, like 60 or 72 months, reduces your monthly payment but increases the total interest you’ll pay over the course of the loan. This is a popular option if you want lower payments to fit your budget, but keep in mind that you’ll be paying more in interest by spreading the loan out over a longer period.
- Example: For the same $20,000 loan at 4.5% interest, a 60-month term would have a monthly payment of around $373, but you’d pay roughly $2,370 in interest over the life of the loan.
Which loan term is right for you?
It depends on your financial situation. If you can afford higher monthly payments and want to save on interest, a shorter term may be better. If you need more flexibility in your monthly budget, a longer term could be the way to go, even though it means paying more overall.
How to Estimate Your Car’s Trade-In Value
If you’re trading in your current car, the trade-in value can help reduce the loan amount, which will lower your monthly payment. Getting an accurate estimate for your trade-in value is important to ensure your car loan calculation is as close to real life as possible.
Use Trusted Sources
To get a reliable estimate of your trade-in value, use reputable sources like Kelley Blue Book (KBB) or Edmunds. These sites allow you to enter details about your car—make, model, year, mileage, and condition—to get an accurate estimate of what your vehicle is worth in today’s market.
- Kelley Blue Book: Provides trade-in and private sale estimates based on current market data.
- Edmunds: Offers similar tools and helps you compare trade-in values across different dealerships.
Entering the Trade-In Value
Once you have your trade-in estimate, input it into the trade-in/down payment field in the car loan calculator. This amount will be subtracted from the car price, lowering the total loan amount. The higher your trade-in value, the less you’ll need to borrow, which reduces your monthly payment and the total interest paid.
Final Check
It’s always a good idea to get a few quotes from dealerships in your area to make sure the trade-in value you’re using is accurate and in line with the market. This will help make sure your monthly payment estimate is as realistic as possible.
How much should you put down on a car?
The size of your down payment can have a big impact on your car loan. A larger down payment means you’re borrowing less, which leads to lower monthly payments and less interest paid over the life of the loan.
The Benefits of a Larger Down Payment
A bigger down payment reduces the loan amount and the total interest paid. By paying more upfront, you can save significantly on interest, which adds up over the life of the loan. Even increasing your down payment by a small amount can lead to noticeable savings.
- Example: On a $20,000 loan at 4.5% interest, if you put down $2,500, your monthly payment for a 60-month loan would be around $342, with $1,825 in total interest paid. If you increase your down payment to $5,000, your monthly payment drops to $305, and you’ll only pay about $1,643 in interest.
Testing Different Down Payment Amounts
Use the car loan calculator to try different down payment amounts and see how much they affect your monthly payment and total loan cost. By adjusting the down payment, you’ll get a better idea of how much you can save both month to month and over the life of the loan.
How much should you put down?
While it’s tempting to put down the minimum, a larger down payment helps you save on interest and avoid being “upside down” on your loan (owing more than the car is worth). Aim to put down at least 20% of the car’s price if possible, but even a smaller increase in your down payment can make a difference.
6 Tips for Saving on Car Loans
Getting the best deal on a car loan can save you a lot of money over time. Here are some simple tips to help reduce your interest rate, improve your chances with lenders, and make sure you’re getting the best loan possible.
1. Shop Around for Lenders
Don’t settle for the first loan offer you get. Different lenders offer different rates and terms, so it’s a good idea to get quotes from multiple places. This includes banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Even a small difference in interest rates can add up to significant savings.
2. Boost Your Credit Score
Your credit score plays a huge role in the interest rate you’re offered. If your score is less than ideal, take a little time to improve it before applying. Paying down credit card balances, making on-time payments, and avoiding new credit inquiries can help. Even raising your score by a few points could lower your rate.
3. Make a Larger Down Payment
The more you can put down upfront, the less you’ll need to borrow. This lowers your loan amount and can also reduce your interest rate since lenders see it as less risky. Aim to pay as much as you can comfortably afford to reduce the overall cost of the loan.
4. Consider Shorter Loan Terms
While longer loan terms come with smaller monthly payments, they also lead to more interest over time. A shorter loan term may increase your monthly payment, but you’ll save money on interest in the long run. It’s worth doing the math to see if a shorter term makes sense for your budget.
5. Negotiate with the Dealer
If you’re financing through a dealership, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Many dealers mark up interest rates to make a profit, so there’s often room to lower it. It helps to know the rates from other lenders beforehand so you have a solid idea of what’s fair.
6. Refinance if Needed
If you’ve already taken out a loan but think you could qualify for a lower rate now, refinancing might be a good option. This involves replacing your current loan with a new one that has a lower interest rate. It’s worth looking into, especially if your credit score has improved or if interest rates have dropped.
Using a car loan calculator is a smart way to plan your budget and get a clearer picture of what your monthly payments will look like. By understanding how factors like loan term, interest rate, trade-in value, and down payment affect your loan, you can make more informed decisions and potentially save money in the long run. Whether you’re comparing different loan terms or experimenting with down payment amounts, the calculator helps you find the right balance for your financial situation.
Remember to shop around for lenders, get accurate estimates on your trade-in, and consider making a larger down payment to reduce your overall costs. With the right approach, you’ll be well-prepared to secure the best possible loan for your next car.