In a world that craves certainty, we can forget that our God is a God of mystery and wonder.
We often cling to the illusion of control, thinking that if we can just plan enough, work hard enough, or gather enough information, we can ensure a certain outcome.
But the truth is, God doesn’t always make everything clear…
God invites us to trust Him in the middle of uncertainty.
Throughout the Bible, we see countless examples of people who had to step out in faith, not knowing exactly where God was leading them.
One powerful example is Abraham. In Genesis 12, God calls Abraham to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household and go to a land that God would show him.

Can you imagine the uncertainty Abraham must have felt?
He had no idea where he was going or what the future held.
But he chose to trust God and obey His call, even in the face of uncertainty.
And because of Abraham’s faith, God blessed him abundantly.
He made him into a great nation and used him to bring blessings to the entire world.
But it all started with a step of faith into the unknown.
What if we embraced uncertainty as an opportunity to trust God more deeply?
What if we saw it not as a threat to our security but as an invitation to adventure with our Creator?
When we cling too tightly to certainty, we miss out on the incredible plans God has for us.
We limit ourselves to what we can see and understand, rather than stepping out in faith and watching God do the impossible.
So, where is God calling you to trust Him in the midst of uncertainty today?
Maybe it’s a job transition, a relationship challenge, or a new ministry opportunity…
Whatever your circumstance, know that our God is faithful!
He is with you, He is for you, and He will never leave you or forsake you.
Even when the path ahead is unclear, we can trust that He is leading us toward His perfect plan.
Let’s embrace the mystery of our God today.
Let’s hold our plans loosely and be willing to follow Him wherever He leads.
It may not be the safe or certain path, but it’s the path that leads to a truly full life in Christ.
Remember… God’s Got You!
Your friend and coach,

P.S. ready to follow God’s lead in your finances? We’ll show you how in our book, Simple Money, Rich Life. Hop over to this page to get a free copy (if you can just help us cover shipping).